Why You Should Be A Child

2 min readDec 16, 2021

It will save you some heart aches.

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Two year old Miracle lived near us with her parents and that to me was the most wonderful child I have seen near, she happened to be the only one.

Every morning, as soon as her daddy is about to step out, she’d asked with a slightly worried face “Daddy, where are you going”.

If Miracle visits us she’d ask about everybody from me with all sincerity on her face. I love her.

Miracle would forget you made her slipped and fell after you’ve told her sorry and she will play with you again. She held no grudges. Next minute she’d urinate in her pants and just doesn’t know what to do next, she’d stand there till mummy comes to her aid. She couldn’t hide her wrongs .

They were so many attitude I saw in Miracle which I’d list below and I wished at 25, I could be like her. It’d help me maintain healthy relationship with people and a sure bet for my mental health. Adult life sucks, trust me.

Child-like Attitude Adults should Consider

  • Simplicity: Adult life’s already filled with lots of responsibilities and goals to smash as each day approaches , if you’d overlook your neighbor’s, partner’s or colleague’s wrong without letting it weigh you down and drain so much energy. It’d go along way. Move on easily and you’d be glad you did.
  • Communication: Two year old Miracle couldn’t hide anything that bothers her, her pain nor happiness. If she had an itching in her rear, she’d tell you, just so it will be solved and she’d gain her comfort back . Effective communication is a prerequisite for a successful relationship. Air out your view and see it solve a bunch of issues.
  • Be Real: No Pretense. Be the same you at work, in school, around friends and at home and you won’t be bugged with trying to cover up for some attitude. Plus, it will be easier to change wrong habits if you are open about them.

Being child-like isn’t just a Jesus thing. So why can’t you be. Imbibe it and see your struggles on relationship with people fade gradually.

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Just a beautiful soul that wants to make impact with beautiful stories